Common Landlord and Tenant Disputes

As a landlord, it is likely you will experience disputes and disagreements with tenants. These should be avoided at all times, and by being aware of common landlord and tenant disputes. It is possible to minimise your exposure to problems and fall-outs. At SC Property Management, we are pleased to work closely with many landlords and tenants, and if you need assistance in avoiding issues, please get in touch.

Property maintenance is a common issue between landlords and tenants

Landlords have a responsibility to maintain the rental property to a certain standard, and to ensure the tenant has habitable conditions. If a landlord fails to provide tenants with suitable living conditions, the tenant can take the landlord to court under the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act.

Landlords should ensure the heating works, that there is hot water and the structure of the property is in good order.

The tenant should keep the property clean and tidy

It is reasonable for a landlord to expect a tenant to maintain a good standard of cleanliness and order in the rental property. The tenancy agreement may outline expectations, and an inventory check undertaken at the start of the rental period will outline the initial condition of the property.

The tenant should endeavour to maintain this standard. General wear and tear is expected, but anything more may find the tenant liable for repair or cleaning services.

Damages to the rental property cause problems between landlords and tenants

Again, a tenancy agreement can minimise problems arising regarding damage, accidental or otherwise, to a rental property. Tenants shouldn’t make changes or alterations to a rental property without the permission of a landlord, or they may be liable for the repair costs. Any damage caused by the tenant often becomes the responsibility of the tenant to fix, although some landlords will arrange for repair work and then provide the tenant with the bill.


The majority of landlords don’t allow tenants to have pets in the rental property. There is an added cost of cleaning and maintaining a rental property with a pet in place. With the cap on security deposits introduced by the Tenant Fees Bill, many landlords feel it is no longer worthwhile allowing tenants to have pets in the property.

This should be detailed in the tenancy agreement, and if landlords prohibit pets from the rental property, this should be clarified to the tenant.

Subletting is also an issue

Some tenants sublet property, in an attempt to generate income and improve their own financial circumstances. This is generally frowned upon, but it should be something which is distinctly prohibited in the tenancy agreement.

As you can see, most of the issues and problems between landlords and tenants can be prevented or minimised with a suitable tenancy agreement. Taking appropriate steps at the start of the rental process can bring significant benefits throughout the agreement.

If you are a landlord and looking for property management tips and guidance, please contact SC Property Management today. We have a range of services aimed at helping you manage your property and enjoy success as a landlord.